I tried make an appointment with Dr X on Friday but he was fully booked. So I reasoned that Monday would be OK. My blood test results could wait and they should all be back by then. Anyway I wasn't feeling great, so I just got on with a few things, then a job came in....just after lunch time the phone went...
EB? ..
this is Dr X are you OK to talk?
Yes, I said tentively....I tried to book an appointment with you this morning, but I wasn't able too as you had no appointments.
No? Oh, did they tell you your blood test results?
No I replied.
OK, I have to tell you, you have Diabetes, and I need to see you.....
I know he said more than this...but all I remember is Diabetes and after some fudging I am seeing Dr X on Tuesday morning. Well to say this news is a bit of a bolt is an understatement.
We had a very busy weekend we had two celebrations one in Sutton and one in Cumbria...I have instructions from Dr X to take things easy and avoid certain things which I will do. I am feeling quite naff at the moment and maybe getting my blood glucose levels right may help? I really hope so...
After visiting Dr X and the Practice Sister (who is wonderful) I sort of know how to handle my Diabetes. I have also found out I have a few complications!!!! yes me; who would have thought it?
It would seem that all my naff illness over the past few years could have been this all along!!!! The headaches, the sickness..the whole lot...So, my liver has damage and because of that I can't go on medication straight away..Dr X wants me to go to see a consultant at the local hospital. So I have to monitor my food and do blood tests a few times a day and avoid chocolate!!!!! (that one hurts I can tell you)
I do find it ironic that the amount of blood tests I have had over the past few years that diabetes hasn't been looked for? I have to be honest and say I am not angry or annoyed more relieved that this may be an end to feeling so awful for such a long time.