Thursday, January 31, 2008

A new Blog maybe

I haven’t Blogged much lately as I am restricted on what I can say about my job, as such I have decided I will only blog when I have something worth Blogging about that isn’t really work connected if that makes sense? I have decided to start a new blog about my Narrowboat "The Robber Button" so this blog will quite possibly just fade away as it has served it's time now, I wont delete it as it has some very special postings from friends.

So thanks for staying with My Back Garden for the past few years, and I’ll Blog again on here as and when it feels right.
I'll see you on "The Robber Button's Blog"

God Bless


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekly Update

I have had an interesting week, Last Sunday evening was a great service and I got to see someone to tell them something they had preached on in church a few months before had been amazing. I have had a week to try and prepare my lessons....well that didn't work out, I spent half of one day finding chairs for my classroom, spent another day trying to get to grips with the PC's and software which I ended up more confused. I had a day for lesson planning so I have done my two induction course. I was told we are expecting an OFSTED at anytime!!!!! I am scared stiff of the prospect. I am not a teacher, I have never taught before and within weeks of starting I am going to be OFSTED'D (if that's the word or a word)

On Friday I had a chap come in and help me set up the Radio Studio...we spent all morning setting a Network for the all the PC's, easy peasy I hear you say...yeah I thought so, but NO, things just wouldn't talk and a Buffalo Drive...well that’s a DODO, and I had high hopes for that as a server for my SFX library.

So Monday see's me start my classes, this is exciting and scary, as I have said I am not a teacher and from Monday I will be expected to teach.....Well it will be in God's strength and not mine, and any Glory will be his. Please pray for me this week.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday Update

Having been ill for a very long time then working from home, actually going out to work 5 days a week is a real shock to my system!!!! Getting out of bed early then popping off to work is a habit I had gotten out of. Also doing something I don’t really know how to do is a very strange concept to me...

God has been amazing and as things unfold I can really see and feel his presence with me, I am still unsure of my potential, but I know God is there and that means I cannot really lose can I.

Anyhoo I had a fairly good week, some highs and a few lows which is to be expected.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Crikey time is just flying by....I am now working Monday to Friday and it is strange to be back in a steady job. It is also a strange job, but I am working in a sensitive area and I cannot really put what the job is, I can say I am teaching Radio for Derby College. I am coming to the end of my shaddowing and I will teaching my own lessons very soon.
Monday to Friday are now full and my evenings are spent resting though lesson planning is becoming an issue....who would have thought a teacher?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christmas TV

My Favourite bit on TV over Christmas that made me laugh was this bit on Harry Hill's Christmas TV Burp, I actually had tears rolling down my cheeks whilst this little bit was on. I hope you enjoy it too.

It would seem I am part of a dying breed, a Blogger, those that have blogged over the past 15 or months from a circle of friends have dropped off as they have felt it has served them for their needs, others didn't like it. Me I toyed with giving up last January but a few friends asked if I would carry on and to be honest I enjoy blogging putting up my thoughts and musings. Its My Blog, what I say goes! If you don't like tough, if you enjoy it great, if you agree with my views that OK, if you don't agree...that's OK also. A friend has just stopped blogging and I will miss her blog, she was an honest blogger and shared her grief and upsets, she also shared her thoughts and musings about life. Each Blog is personal and as a reader you are privileged to be let into someone’s life unfortunately some people don't respect.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Good Bye 2007 Hello 2008

A very Happy New Years
Well 2007 is now a year in the history books, it was a year of good and bad things as all years , a few highlights are starting a job in December and of course getting The Robber Button and our visit to Las Vegas and Palm Springs. The lows…well there have been a few but the biggest low was my health and then being diagnosed with Diabetes.

So I have a New Years Resolution…..I am giving up Sweets, Chocolates and cakes!!!!! I will of course still have puddings when we go out and have a meal and I will eat the after dinner mint if it arrives on my plate, but I wont sit at home stuffing my face with all things sweet. I need to lose some weight (about 2 or so stone, 28 lb for my American readers) and this is part of the reason.