Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday - weekend update

This has been an interesting and a little upsetting weekend.

Mrs EB’s brother had entrusted me to collect one of his most amazing pieces of work, an anatomically near perfect replica of a TRex made out of glass. I was tiding up the living room in the morning after I collected it when our cats came in the room at 1000mph and jumped up on the table and broke it. I was and still am devastated. I spent most of the day here in shock and tears. I phoned Mrs EB’s brother in Malta and he was amazingly gracious about the whole thing, saying it was Ok and he was sure he could repair it.

We didn't visit the boat this weekend as we were very busy doing things.

Saturday evening was spent at Church doing the sound for Youth Team leaders leaving party, what a fantastic evening it was a great band and some great dancing from Team Leader!!!!

Sunday I was on sound covering for Mike who had to be on call for work, the evening was lead by Mrs EB and she did a fantastic job, Team Leader preached and as always was just wonderful.

Monday I phoned and left a message with one of the people who interviewed me, so I could find out if I had a chance with the job, LOL the reply was is a little ambiguous but is very encouraging, more later on this when I know a little more.

Well that’s about really on the update front, oh yeah, I have phoned O2 about upgrading my phone, I am using a very old phone at the moment to replace the one I had stolen in Malta, and I have new phone arriving tomorrow a Motorla Z8, I have also got a very good deal for Mrs EB and myself on the tarrif and an amazing phone for Mrs EB with Sat Nav!!!!! I decided against the IPhone as it is first Generation and after reading some reports online, it has a few teething problems, when I upgrade in about a year and a half’s time I am sure it will be 3rd or 4th generation and will hopefully be a phone I will think about.


Well my arrived today in less than 24 hours...but it was the wrong phone!!!!! the hassells trying to exchange and get them to send the right phone, they insisted they had sent the right phone. I eventually got them to agree to the phone I originally agreed too.