Aurvoir my good friend Matt
Matthew Milford Sellers
I know Matt would be totally gobsmacked at how loved and respected he was, well he was a humble guy, out to just do his thing with God and Heidi. But all I can say is anyone who can fill SCBC like he did for a Thanksgiving Service deserves a very large Magno. (Magno is a Spanish Brandy we enjoy(ed) together)
Enjoy the Party Matt, and please behave with Chris, I miss you both so much.
Until we meet again to Praise the Lord in Glory, oh yeah and to have a laugh and joke.
Yesterday we said farewell to my wonderful friend Matt, boy do I miss "Matthew Milford Sellers", most days for the past 18 or so months I have chatted with Matt it feels lonely in my Studio without him chatting away on MSN.
The services were beautiful and very emotional; I loved what Donald said in Matt’s eulogy it was just amazing and I don’t think anyone in the world could have done a better job. It was summed up well by the use of Nicole Nordman's beautiful track "Legacy", if you don't know the song I will put the chorus here.
The services were beautiful and very emotional; I loved what Donald said in Matt’s eulogy it was just amazing and I don’t think anyone in the world could have done a better job. It was summed up well by the use of Nicole Nordman's beautiful track "Legacy", if you don't know the song I will put the chorus here.
I want to leave a legacy How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
Reuben said some amazing things about Matt from a best friends point of view and that was very moving and a real joy to hear.
I know Matt would be totally gobsmacked at how loved and respected he was, well he was a humble guy, out to just do his thing with God and Heidi. But all I can say is anyone who can fill SCBC like he did for a Thanksgiving Service deserves a very large Magno. (Magno is a Spanish Brandy we enjoy(ed) together)
Enjoy the Party Matt, and please behave with Chris, I miss you both so much.
Until we meet again to Praise the Lord in Glory, oh yeah and to have a laugh and joke.